Projects (by Name)
- Comprehensive Development at Sha Tsui Tau, Tung Chung
- Concept Plan for the Development of an Integrated Arts, Cultural and Entertainment District at the West Kowloon Reclamation
- Concept Plan for the Transformation of Kennedy Town West
- Conceptual Master Plan for the Expansion of Hongtang Old Town, Ningbo, PRC
- Conceptual Master Plan for the Waterfront Revitalization of Jiangbei District Centre, Ningbo, PRC
- Conceptual Master Planning for Jiangbei Administration District Centre, Ningbo, PRC
Conceptual Planning Study for a Rail Based Centre at Ngau Tam Mei
- Conceptual Planning Study for Comprehensive Development of Fanling North
- Consultancy Study for Air Ventilation Assessment for Various Waterfront Sites in Central and North Point
- Development of Greening Master Plan for Mong Kok and Yau Ma Tei – Feasibility Study
Development Option Study for Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
- Development Planning in the Linear City Research Project
- Development Strategy Reviews for Jingshazhou (900 ha) and Pazhou (500 ha), Guangzhou, PRC
- Engineering Feasibility Study for Kong Nga Po
- Expression of Interest: Suggestions for the Development of New Cruise Terminal in Hong Kong
- Feasibility Study for the Proposed Student Hostel cum Student Amenities Hub in Existing Garden Site, Wanchai Campus of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
- Feasibility Study for Waterfront Promenade between Kennedy Town and Aberdeen
- Further Representation to the Draft North Point Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H8/21, Dragon Road, Tin Hau
HAD Minor Works Consultancy for New Territories West Region, Leisure Garden, Pui O, Lantau Island
- Land use Planning Study at Kaifeng
- Landuse Planning & Development Study along Metro Line 5 & 6, Tianjin City Core Area, PRC
- Landuse Planning Study at FenZhongSi Station along Metro Line 10, Beijing, PRC
- New Town Master Planning Review and Town Centre Conceptual Design, Jiaxing, PRC
- Objection to Planning Application A/ST/630, East Rail Fo Tan Station and its Adjoining Area at Au Pui Wan Street and Lok King Street, Shatin, New Territories
Objection to the Draft Cha Kwo Ling, Yau Tong, Lei Yue Mun Outline Zoning Plan No.S/K15/15, Yau Tong
- Objection to the Draft Ngau Tau Kok and Kowloon Bay Outline Zoning Plan No.S/K13/16 and Petition to the Executive Council
- Objection to the Draft Ngong Ping Outline Zoning Plan No.S/I-NP/1, Ngong Ping, Lantau Island
- Planning Advice on the Preliminary Planning Feasibility of the Proposed Hotel Development at Bonham Road, Hong Kong
- Planning and Engineering Feasibility Study for Kwu Tung South
- Planning Appraisal for Hotel Use, Luen Tai Industrial Building, Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung
- Planning Appraisal for Possible Alternate Uses for Central Textiles (Hong Kong) Limited Factories, Tsuen Wan
- Planning Appraisal for Possible Alternate Uses for the Sites in Tong Yan San Tsuen, Yuen Long
- Planning Appraisal for Possible Alternate Uses for Various Lots in DD 127 in Kiu Tau Wai, Ping Shan
- Planning Appraisal for Possible Alternate Uses for Yeu Shing Industrial Building, Kin Fung Circuit, Tuen Mun, New Territories
- Planning Assessment in support of a Land Exchange Application for the proposed Residential Development with open space in “R(A)” zone, Fanling
- Planning Assessment on Proposed Residential Development in “R(B)” zone, Sha Tin
- Planning consultant for the Feasibility Study on Conservation and Development of Wun Yiu Pottery Kiln Site
- Planning & Engineering Study for North East New Territories New Development Areas
Planning study on formulation of “after Use” plans for Ho Tung Gardens, The Peak Area
- Planning sub-consultant in Feasibility Study and Schematic Design Proposal for Adaptive Re-use of Historic Tenement Houses in Stone Nullah Lane Area, Wan Chai
- Possible Alternate Non-Profit Making Uses of the School Premises at Hung Shui Kiu
- Preliminary Feasibility Study of Student Hostel Development for Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Preliminary Feasibility Study on the Potential Development of Hong Kong Science Park
- Preliminary Project Feasibility Study on KCRC Northern Link
- Private – Public Partnership for Conservation of Sha Lo Tung Valley, Tai Po
- Property Development Study for Hung Hom Mass Transportation Centre for KCRC
- Property Development Study for Shatins to Central Link for KCRC
Proposed Alternation and Addition to the Existing Commercial Development in Repulse Bay Road, Repulse Bay
- Proposed Amendment to Approved Comprehensive Residential Development at Various Lots zoned “Comprehensive Development Area” in Lam Tei
- Proposed Amendment to Approved Master Layout Plan for Comprehensive Residential and Commercial Development at Site TW5, West Rail Tsuen Wan West Station
- Proposed Amendment to Approved Master Layout Plan for Comprehensive Residential and Public Sports Centre Development at Site TW6, West Rail Tsuen Wan West Station
- Proposed Amendment to Approved Master Layout Plan for Comprehensive Residential Development at Long Ping Station (South), Yuen Long
Proposed BMX Park in “O” zone at Area 37 Landfill Site, Kwai Chung, N.T.
- Proposed Boutique Hotel Development in “R(A)” zone at Tin Hau
- Proposed “Broadcasting, Television and/ or Film Studio” use at Marina Square East Centre (East Commercial Block), South Horizons, South Horizons Drive, Ap Lei Chau
- Proposed Caritas New Cosmetic Career Centre at Kent Road, Kowloon Tong for Caritas
- Proposed Class B Amendment Application for Che Kung Temple Station, Shatin
Proposed Composite Hotel, Residential and Public Open Space Development at Oil Street, North Point
- Proposed Composite Residential & Commercial Development at Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei
- Proposed Composite Residential Development in “Commercial” Zone, Portland Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon
- Proposed Comprehensive Residential Development, Clear Water Bay Road, Ngau Chi Wan, Kowloon
- Proposed Comprehensive Residential Development in “CDA” zone at Kwu Tung North, Sheung Shui
- Proposed Comprehensive Residential Development in “R(E)” zone at Ho Chung, Sai Kung
- Proposed Comprehensive Residential Development on Tung Yuen Street and Shung Yiu Street, Yau Tong
- Proposed Comprehensive Residential Development with Ancillary Retail Uses and Public Parking Facilities in CDA” zone, Southwest Kowloon
- Proposed Comprehensive Residential Development with Commercial, Recreational, G/IC Facilities in “CDA(1)” zone at Lok Wo Sha
- Proposed Comprehensive Residential Development with Wetland Protection Area at Various Lots near Yau Mei San Tsuen, Yuen Long
Proposed Comprehensive Residential Development with Wetland Restoration and/or Creation Scheme at Various Lots in Yuen Long
- Proposed Conversion for Commercial Uses at Horizon Plaza in “I” zone, Lee Wing Street, Ap Lei Chau
- Proposed Conversion of Yeu Shing Industrial Building to Office use, Kin Fung Circuit, Tuen Mun, New Territories
- Proposed Cultural Industries Hub on a 100ha Site at the Southern District of Tianjin Binhai Tourism Area
- Proposed Electricity Sub-station, So Kwun Wat, Tuen Mun
- Proposed Electricity Substation in Eastern District at A Kung Ngam, Shau Kei Wan
- Proposed Extension of Temporary Use of City Golf Club in “CDA”, “Road” and “R(A)” zones at Wui Cheung Road, West Kowloon Reclamation
- Proposed Flats, Shop & Services Development at Yuk Yat Street, To Kwa Wan
Proposed Golf Academy of City Golf Club at Wui Cheung Road, West Kowloon Reclamation
Proposed Health & Nursing Care Centre in “R(B)” zone at Lomond Road, Kowloon
- Proposed Heritage Conservation, Revitalization and Wholesale Conversion of Nan Fung Textile Mills into a Fashion & Textile Landmark in Chai Wan Kok Industrial Area, Tsuen Wan
- Proposed Holiday Camp in “Green Belt” Zone at Various Lots and Government Land, Sai Kung
Proposed Hotel at Gold Peak Building, Kwai Wing Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories
- Proposed Hotel at Ta Chuen Ping Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories
- Proposed Hotel cum Retail Development, Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Kowloon
- Proposed Hotel Development at Des Voeux Road West & Cheung Kan Lane, Kennedy Town
- Proposed Hotel Development at Queen’s Road West, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong
- Proposed Hotel Development at Sun Chun Street, Tai Hang
Proposed Hotel Development at Toppy Tower, Castle Peak Road, Kwai Chung
- Proposed Hotel Development at Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen
- Proposed Hotel Development in “OU(Business)” zone at Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan
- Proposed Hotel Development in “OU(Business)” zone at Hung To Road, Kwun Tong
- Proposed Hotel Development in “OU(Business)” zone at Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay
- Proposed Hotel Development (wholesale conversion of existing building), Lai Chi Kok Road, Kowloon
- Proposed Hotel Development/Service Apartment at Hill Road, Western District
- Proposed Hotel in “Commercial” zone at Kowloon Bay, Kowloon
- Proposed Hotel Redevelopment (Amendment to Approved Scheme) at Davis Street, Kennedy Town
- Proposed Hotel Redevelopment, Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong
- Proposed House Development at Ting Kau, Tsuen Wan
- Proposed House Redevelopment at Pak Sha Tou, Sai Kung
- Proposed In-Site Conversion of An Existing Office building (part) for “Hotel” Use in “R(A)” zone, Jordan
- Proposed In-Situ Conversion for “Hotel” Use in “OU(Business)” zone at Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay
- Proposed In-Situ Conversion of an existing Industrial Building for “Commercial” and “Retail” Uses in “CDA” zone at Yau Tong
- Proposed In-situ Conversion of an Existing Office Building to Hotel Development at Des Voeux Road West, Sai Ying Pun
- Proposed Kindergarten at 4 Derby Road, Kowloon Tong
Proposed Low Density Residential Development at Ho Chung, Sai Kung
Proposed Low Density Residential Development at Pak Tin Village, Sha Tin
Proposed Low-density Residential Development with Minor Relaxation of Building Height Restriction, Chung Mei, Sok Kwu Wan
- Proposed Low Rise Development at Kam Pok Road, Yuen Long
- Proposed Minor Amendments to the Approved Master Layout Plan of Comprehensive Residential Development at Ma On Shan
- Proposed Minor Relaxation of Building Height Restriction for a “Shop and Services”/ “Eating Place” and “Hotel” Development at Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
- Proposed Multicultural Activity Venue at Battery Street, Yaumatei
- Proposed New Territories Exempted House at Pak Kong Village, Sai Kung, New Territories
- Proposed Performance and Activity Venue at Moreton Terrace, Wan Chai
- Proposed Public Sports Centre in Area 24D Shatin
- Proposed Public Utility Installation for Lai Chi Kok Substation, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon
- Proposed Redevelopment for YWCA Anne Black Hostel at Homantin, Kowloon
- Proposed Redevelopment of the Sai Lau Kok Garden With an Indoor Multi-Purpose Centre, Tsuen Wan
- Proposed Redevelopment/Extension of Existing Building Block(s) at Chinese Recreation Club in Tai Hang, Hong Kong
- Proposed Religious Institution in “R(B)” zone at Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon City
- Proposed Residential and Retail Development in “R(E)” zone at Arran Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon
- Proposed Residential Care Home for Elderly, Hi Yip Street, Yuen Long
- Proposed Residential Development and Agricultural Use in “Comprehensive Development Area (1)” Zone, Fung Yuen, Tai Po, N. T.
Proposed Residential Development at Lower Kai Yuen Lane, North Point
- Proposed Residential Development in “Commercial” Zone, Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
- Proposed Residential Development in “Commercial” Zone, Observatory Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
- Proposed Residential Development in “OU(CDWEA)” Zone, Fung Lok Wai, Yuen Long
- Proposed Residential Development in “R(E)” zone, Area 85, Tseung Kwan O
- Proposed Residential Development in “R(E)” zone, Kok Cheung Street, Mong Kok
- Proposed Residential Development in “R(E”) zone, Kwok Shui Road, Tsuen Wan
- Proposed Residential Development in “Residential (Group C) 2” zone with Minor Relaxation of Building Height at Bisney Road, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong
Proposed Residential Development in “Residential (Group E)” Zone, Chi Kiang Street, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon
- Proposed Residential Development near Siu Sau Village, Tuen Mun
- Proposed Residential Development to Include a Church and a Kindergarten at Kennedy Road, Hong Kong
- Proposed Residential Development with Minor Relaxation of Building Height Restriction in “Residential (Group C)1” Zone, Stafford Road, Kowloon Tong
- Proposed Residential Development within “R(E)” zone at Sze Shan Street, Yau Tong, Kowloon
- Proposed residential redevelopment at Peak Road, The Peak
Proposed Restaurant in “O” zone, Government Land adjoining New World Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui Waterfront Promenade, Kowloon
- Proposed Retail Facilities at Lamma Island
- Proposed Retail Shop in “OU(Business)” zone at Kwun Tong Industrial Centre, Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon
- Proposed rezoning from Residential (Group B) to Green Belt zoning in the Government Land at So Kwun Wat, Tuen Mun
Proposed Sheung Wan Stormwater Pumping Station at Sheung Wan Waterfront for Drainage Services Department
- Proposed “Shop and Services” Use (Furniture Showroom) at Chatham Road North, Kowloon
Proposed Stormwater Pumping Station, Happy Valley Recreation Ground
- Proposed Temporary Mock-up Centre (not exceeding 3 years) in Various Lots in Ngau Tam Mei, Yuen Long
- Proposed Temporary Office of the Commercial Podium of the Long Beach, Hoi Fai Road, Kowloon
- Proposed Temporary Open Public Vehicle Park at Various Lots in R(C) zone, Lam Tei, Tuen Mun
- Proposed Vehicular Access Road & Private Garden in Green Belt Zone at Plantation Road, Peak Area
- Proposed Wholesale Conversion of an Existing Industrial Building into a Hotel Development at Wang Kee Street, Kowloon
- Proposed Wholesale Conversion of Luks Industrial Building into Commercial Development, Kin Fung Circuit, Tuen Mun
- Proposed Wholesale Conversion to Hotel Development at Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung
Proposed Youth Artist Complex cum Hotel Development at Causeway Bay Waterfront
- Proposed Youth Hostel at Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan
- Regularisation of Existing Columbarium Use at Kai Ming Temple, Pokfulam Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
- Relocation of Sai Kung Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns – Feasibility Study
- Representation to the Draft Causeway Bay Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H6/15 at Tung Lo Wan Road & Shelter Street, Hong Kong
- Representation to the Draft Kai Tak Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K22/1
- Representation to the Draft Ma On Shan Outline Zoning Plan No. S/MOS/17 at Ma On Shan
- Representation to the Draft Ma Tau Kok Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K7/19, Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon
- Representation to the Draft Mid-levels West OZP No. S/H11/14, May Road, Mid-levels
- Representation to the Draft Mid-levels West OZP No. S/H11/14, Tregunter Path, Mid-levels
- Representation to the Draft Mong Kok Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K3/28
- Representation to the Draft North Point Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H8/20, New Eastern Terrace, Temple Road, Tin Hau
- Representation to the Draft North Point Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H8/20, various lots to the East of Kai Yuen Street, North Point
Representation to the Draft Shek Kip Mei Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K4/24 on behalf of the Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corporation Ltd. at Tai Hang Sai Estate
- Representation to the Draft Sheung Wan & Sai Ying Pun Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H3/24
- Representation to the Draft Tai Po Outline Zoning Plan No. S/TP/22
- Representation to the Draft Tsuen Wan Outline Zoning Plan No. S/TW/29
- Representation to the Draft Tuen Mun Outline Zoning Plan No. S/TM/24
Representation to the Draft Wong Nai Chung Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H7/12, Ventris Road, Happy Valley
- Representation to the Draft Wong Nai Chung Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H7/14, Kwai Fong Street, Happy Valley
- Representation to the Draft Wong Nai Chung Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H7/14, Wang Tak Street & Po Shin Street, Happy Valley
- Representations to the Draft Ha Tsuen Outline Zoning Plan No. S/YL-HT/9
- Request for Amendment to the Approved Tai Tong Outline Zoning Plan No. S/YL-TT/8 from “Conservation Area” to “OU(Radio Controlled Model Aeroplane Flying Site)” at Tai Tong East Borrow Area, Tai Tong, Yuen Long
- Request for Amendment to the Draft Mong Kok Outline Zoning Plan No.S/K3/21 from “Government, Institution or Community” to “R(E)” at Kowloon Inland Lot
- Request for Amendment to the Draft Sha Tin Outline Zoning Plan No.S/ST/18 from “Industrial” to “Commercial” at Sha Tin
- Request for Amendment to the Draft Yuen Long Outline Zoning Plan No.S/YL/8 from “Industrial” to “OU(Entertainment Centre)” at Yuen Long Town Lot, Tung Tau Industrial Area, Yuen Long
- Residential Development at Staunton Street, Chung Wo Lane & Wan In Fong Street, Sheung Wan
- Residential Development Strategy for Huilong area, Nan’an District, Chongqing, PRC
- Response on Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area Planning and Engineering Study
- Response on Stage 1 Public Engagement for “Our Future Railway – Review and Update of the Railway Development Strategy 2000”
Response on Stage 2 Public Engagement for “Tung Chung New Town Extension Study”
- Response to Public Consultation on Area Improvement Plan (AIP) for Tsim Sha Tsui
- Revitalisation Proposal for Bridges Street Market, Sheung Wan
- Revitalisation Proposal for Haw Par Mansion, Tai Hang
Rezoning Request for Polytechnic University Campus Expansion at Ho Man Tin Slope
- Rezoning Request for Proposed Comprehensive Low Density Residential Development at Lung Yeuk Tau, Fanling
- Rezoning Request for Proposed Holiday Camp cum Recreational Facilities at Ting Kok, Tai Po
- Rezoning Request for Proposed Office Redevelopment with Adjoining Government Land from “O” and “GI/C” to “C” in Kwun Tong
- Rezoning Request for Proposed Phase 8 Development of Hong Kong Polytechnic University from “O” to “GI/C” at Hung Hom for Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Rezoning Request for Proposed Residential Development at Lai Sun Yuen Long Centre, Yuen Long
- Rezoning Request for Proposed Residential Development cum Nature Conservation Area at Shuen Wan, Tai Po
- Rezoning Request for Residential Development at Lok Yi Street, So Kwun Wat, Tuen Mun
- Rezoning Request for the proposed Hotel Development at Wo Heung Street, Fo Tan
- Rezoning Request for the Proposed Residential Development at Tak Sing Lane, Sai Ying Pun
Rezoning Request for the Proposed Spa Resort cum Supporting Facilities at Ting Kok, Tai Po
- Rezoning Request from “Green Belt” to residential use at Wun Yiu, Tai Po
- Site Search Study of a New Substation in Central and Western Districts
- Social Impact Assessment for the Proposed Installation of High Pressure Gas Pipeline in Ma On Shan Country Park for Hong Kong and China Gas Co. Ltd.
- South Lantau and Mui Wo Development Feasibility Study, Hong Kong
- Study of Air Quality in the Pearl River Delta Region, PRC
- Study on Industrial Heritage of Kowloon East and its Potential for Public Art/ Urban Design
- Study on the Need for Provision of a Wet Market in West Kowloon Reclamation Area for Sham Shui Po District Council
- Temporary Exhibition Hall for Motor Vehicles for a period of 3 years at basement of Car Park Complex, Hong Kong Convention Centre, Wanchai
- Temporary Extension of an “Existing Use” of Container Depot for a Period of 12 Months at Tai Sang Wai, Yuen Long
Temporary Motor Vehicles Showroom at Discovery Park, Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan
Temporary Open Storage of Containers for a period of 3 years in “Recreation” (“REC”) Zone at Ha Tsuen, Yuen Long
- The Study on the Costs and Benefits of Redevelopment and Building Rehabilitation in the Urban Renewal Process for Planning Department
Theme Park Resort Development Conceptual Design, Nanning, Guangxi Province
- Tourism Study for Sham Shui Po District Council
- Transformation of the former Police Married Quarters Site on Hollywood Road into a Creative Industries Landmark
Visual Impact Assessment for Proposed HOS Development at Kiu Cheong Road East
- Visual Impact Assessment for Proposed Public Housing Redevelopment of Fanling Area
Visual Impact Assessment for Proposed Public Housing Redevelopment of Pak Tin Estate
- Visual Impact Assessment for Proposed Public Housing Redevelopment of Shek Kip Mei Estate Phase 6
Visual Impact Assessment for Proposed Public Rental Housing Redevelopment at Ex-Kwai Chung Police Married Quarters
- Visual Impact Assessment for Public Rental Housing Development in Fo Tan, Shatin
- Written Representations in Response to Kai Tak Planning Review Stage 3 Public Participation
- Zhouqing Hi-tech Development Zone, Guangdong (100 sq km) Conceptual Master Planning for Hongtang New Town, Ningbo (2.5 sq km), PRC